Product Details


₹10000 ₹80000

  • Stock: In Stock
  • Category : Business Software Solutions
  • SKU : swbss49

Improve your customer’s communication experience with a professional interactive voice response (IVR) voice recorded.

Recorded call voice IVR software design that takes user input via mobile keypad and generates an interactive pre-recorded response to it. It gives the user the comfort of 1-1 interaction with no wait time. It makes your customer care number available 24X7 where computer is always ready to greet your customers and transfer the call to you in your working hours.

Improve efficiency Automating your calls via an IVR system not only helps in streamlining your processes but also provides your staff the freedom to focus on other more important activities.
Automated checking for order status Tracking orders is easier than ever with the new IVR technology. Customers can track their orders in two easy steps - by calling the provided contact number and punching in their user ID.
Better customer experience Our IVR system comes with a smart feature that helps in better matching of customers with related domain experts. This helps in providing a customized user experience for each of our customers.
Easy updates The easy update method is frequently used by a large number of online platforms for the payment of services availed online such as booking movie tickets, ordering home delivery, etc.
Be available after hours In case your company does not have a 24*7 customer support, you can set up an IVR system to respond to calls received during hours of unavailability.
For local language interaction Language inclusivity is one of the most selling features of an IVR system. Customers from different regions can get the same support without worring about language barriers.
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