Product Details


₹10000 ₹80000

  • Stock: In Stock
  • Category : Business Software Solutions
  • SKU : swbss29

All-in-one management software that has all features that pathology and radiology labs need to empower clinics, hospitals, and patients with a digital, collaborative, and connected experience.

Automating your laboratory workflow from initial sample creation to final archival is vital to achieving data integrity and to supporting day-to-day laboratory productivity.rom sample submission to data archival, manage your data all from a single, simple dashboard for an integrated approach to your product lifecycle management so you can increase efficiency and maximize data durability. 

Patients Registration & Billing Easy patient registration allows seamless bill management and electronic records of patients, dues, discounts, and payment history centrally. Add new lab cases to existing patient record, download reports in MS-Excel, and manage rates from a single page.
Lab Report Management Generate reports in PDF format with or without letterhead, print or deliver via email, SMS, and WhatsApp, , track and manage test report status, find reports easily through search options, and create test groups for efficiency.
Customized Test Packages It allows you to create multiple custom test packages based on medical requirements for easy billing and maximized patient comfort. Tests can also be grouped into various categories for structure and organization.
Operations & Report Activity Tracking It allows tracking and reviewing patient and doctor information change, and other important activities and investigations, including adding and removing bills, reports, test status, and hospital information.
User and Account Management Add more than one user access and configure permissions for each user to ensure accountability and lab data security. Provide separate permissions for lab incharge and receptionist,billin etc.
Send Report Online Send reports via email, WhatsApp, and SMS, anytime, anywhere.
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